Monday, April 30, 2007

Last Blog :)

For the last weblog post of the term (by Tues. 10:30 a.m.), I would like something retrospective. Looking back over this semester's class, what were for you memorable moments or events? You might look back and select a favorite blog post, a favorite assignment, a moment which stands out in the course discussion. Or it might be something that didn't work for you. Perhaps analyzing images doesn't have enough to do with the rhetoric that you are expected to use in your writing. Perhaps on-line discourse isn't your cup of tea. Whatever the topic, take a look back and write a bit in the blog about it.

I thought the class was kinda Interesting but don't know what it really did for me. I'm going to school to become a cop, not to write visual papers. I think it could help me maybe with writing up reports but not to much. I think this class was a miss for me but It was probably helpful to people that are going into something visual. My favorite event that we did in this class was probably making our blogger page. I thought it was neat how you taught us how to make our own little website. I Also liked our picture project that we had to do. That was pretty fun and showed a little bit about everyones lifestyle. My least favorit assignment was our project. I hate talking in front of people and it seems like I always get screwed on my score. I thought my presentation was good but I only got a C, everyone that I asked in class thought that my project was one of the better ones and I seemed to get a lower score then most of everyone else. I know you said my deliverance was bad but I hated that project anyways. Overall this class was ok, and would of been good if my major was to deal with alot of writing about visual things but m ynajor does not. Whoo whooo I mglad were done for the summer, and I mready for the sun!

Mcdonalds Marketing

I thought this presentation was pretty good. It got into good details on how McDonald's targets young children with the Toys, and the cartoon characters. They also said that they target athletes too because of all the celebrity's or professional athletes in their commercials. I wanted to throw something in to. They also sponsor the All-American High School basketball game for men and women. It is like a big honor for someone to play in this, and it is sponsored by McDonald's. They also said that the commercials that do every year are very expensive. They said the average that they spend a year on commercials is $500,000,000. That is a whole heck of a lot of money!!I think the strong point in their presentation was that they target young children, I think they do this because it will get the children to always bug their parents for McDonald's and parents will usually give their kids what they want to shut them up!

Myspace Presentation.

I think that this presentation was overall good. The topic was very good because of how popular it is now. It was helpful to show that myspace is dangerous. I think that this presentation could have opened up peoples eyes and make them realize that they need to be safe about what they put in their profile. The paper on this will be interesting is Mary or Stephanie go into detail about how much you can actually do on the site, or just give better examples of some cases that dealt with the sexual predators. I'd also like to throw it out there that Tom is now making it harder for all of the dumb fake people and he is trying to get rid of all the viruses, he has most of them taking care of.

Monday, April 23, 2007

peer to peer sharing

Peer to peer sharing is growing rapidly in America. It is when people on the Internet share file like movies, and songs. The artists of many songs are against these websites and lawsuits have been filed. But on the other hand many small bands are in love with these sites. This is giving the smaller bands opportunities to get their songs to people and chances of becoming known are improving. For the big bands and singers like Eminem, or New Found Glory this site is dipping into their pockets. These sites are taking revenue away from the singers because people are stealing their songs off the Internet so they don't have to buy the C.D. I know that many of people out there do this and I don't think it will stop people. I know I do it my self and I feel that It is not wrong for me to do it. I have 2600 songs on I-tunes and I have not paid for a single one. I think that the songs are to expensive to pay for in the first place, I really don't think you should have to pay $1 a song, that is outrageous. Many websites have been shut down because of peer to peer sharing, these websites include, Napster. Napster was pretty much the founder of Illegal downloads. The company was sued and then went bankrupted before selling to someone over seas. The man who bought Napster has now made it into a place where you can buy songs for $1.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Alcohol in commercials

In the recent class one of the girls did a report on Alcohol in commercials. This interested me a lot because I'm doing my report on something very similar. She told me a couple helpful facts that I could plug into my presentation also. She said that many NCAA schools are banning alcohol commercials during their games. I think this is a good idea because I believe that this commercials are targeting younger people to drink their product. She also presented an idea that you have to be 25 years of age to be in a beer advertisement. I think that they try and find their 25 year olds, but usually they are not the average 25 year old person. They are either a really good looking super model or a very funny person. They use these kinds of characters to draw attention to their commercials. I also learned in her presentation that they are making them go away from cartoon characters in their ads. But now they are finding ways around that by putting in animals to do funny stuff instead. I just think in all that Alcohol commercials are on way to much, funny thing actually is as I'm typing this paper their is a bud light commercial on right now..

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My project materials

As you gather materials for your project, find an article that you think you might be able to use. Write an entry which gives the author’s main point and supporting evidence presented.

As I was looking for some materials to help me with my presentation I came across an article called "Momentum Builds to End Beer Ads in College Sports." This ad was put out to try and end Beer advertising during college athletic games. This is related to my topic because I am doing my presentation on Alcohol commercials during sporting events. I have found lots of articles about alcohol and sports but this is one that will stop a lot of beer or liquor advertisement in whole. A huge amount of sporting commercials deal with alcohol, because beer companies target sports fans because they seem to think that while watching sports it is always funner to watch it drunk! Also the majority of beer drinkers are men, and men are the majority of people who watch sports. So during big time sporting events like the super bowl or the final four it is always a good time for the big time beer companies to come out with new and funnier advertisements to catch the viewers eyes. Like I said before I have found lots of great ads but this one squeezes in nicely with my topic.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My project topic, Hmmmm.....

As you gather materials for your project, find an article that you think you might be able to use. Write an entry which gives the author’s main point and supporting evidence presented.

In the article I have read about they are talking about the commercials and what one they liked the most. The first comment about the article is about the Budweiser commercial that I believe I will be showing during my presentation. I will show the rock, paper, scissors bud-light ad, and list how much the spot was. The ad was probably really expensive but the commercial was good enough that it will be remembered, and people are talking about it. That is what the ads now-a-days are going for. But what I'm actually going for is that football and beer commercial are directly related to each other. In every single football game you will see more then one beer commercial, and when you actually go to the games t watch them live, you will see nothing but beer signs all over the place. Beer and sports are directly related!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Would it be a good thing if you could view just the good parts (however defined) of a text (a movie, a TV show, a sporting event)? Or do we need the parts that lead up to and away from these?

No, I do not think it would be a good ideal if the good parts in clips were the only ones shown. I think that the bad stuff,and the stuff that draws upon the good stuff is what makes the movie, or clip exciting. It keeps you on the edge of your chair making you want to know what is going to happen next. I think they already have enough stuff that lets you view just the good stuff. Especially in sports. I think sports center would be a prime example of just showing the good and not showing the bad stuff leading to the good things. It shows the good stuff leading to the better stuff. I love sports center don't get me wrong, but I would rather watch an entire game just to keep my on my heels, I like to have to be involved in the game to know what is going on.

Analyzing a text.

For the weblog entries, if you haven't done so, you might write about how analyzing a text affects people's responses. Feel free to draw on our discussion of the clip from Little Miss Sunshine.

Analyzing a text affects peoples responses in many ways. Some people look at things differently in movies, pictures, ETC. They could take expressions or scenes differently and thing that they think something completely different from you or me. When people look at pictures with no words they may visualize totally different things that someone looking at the same picture. I think that people do this because we all have different stereotypes, and we are stereotyped differently. People just plain out see things different. For example when we analyzed Lil Miss Sunshine, I automatically thought it was filmed to make it look back in the 60's, and when they were talking I thought wow these people are crazy. That clip to me made me think that their family was a plain old family like mine with problems just like every family today. They seemed like an average family, but they were like an old guitar, just a little out of tune..

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Magazine Cover 2

Examine some magazine covers for ways in which they combine words and images..\

I think this magazine cover is putting pictures and words together great. The main picture is a woman in a pair of pants that are twice her size. The text on the picture says "Half Her Size". This picture and word combo seems to sum it all up well. The girl went on a diet and lost about half her weight. I really don't think the text is all that true. I don't think the girl weighs 95 pounds. In the small text above the main picture it says, Donna lost 95 pounds.. SO this means that if she lost half her weight she only weighs 95 pounds and I doubt that. I also don't even think that the lady in the picture really was ever fat. In class Mr.Thompson said something about her having loose skin on her neck, I think the loose skin comes with her age. Donna was probably just a model hired to take the picture. I really don't think if someone lost 95 pounds her body would be that smokin.. HA HA. She would have way more loose skin in her mid section. In all I think that the magazine cover is pretty much fake, But this magazine does have some good smaller article topics.

Magazine Covers

Examine some magazine covers for ways in which they combine words and images..

I think in the Tennis magazine with Roger Federer on it shows a lot of emotion. The emotion is showed through the determination in the face of Roger. The words help it out a little bit to because it says "Roger Federer faces history". This means that he has been on a 40 plus match win streak and is making history with each win. I also think that the words on the cover give the Tennis magazine a little more emotion also. It says he is the player of the year, and talks about his breakout season as a player. I think this magazine is completely for a Tennis player. It talks about ways to improve your game, and it also gives you helpful hints from the pros.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Lesbian, or Unmarried?

In this picture I see it kind of humerus. I think it is funny how the girl in the pictures mother is OK with her being a lesbian but is mad that she is not married. The picture is kinda catchy also because the girl is naked, but is wearing long rainbow colored socks. The rainbow is a sign to show she is a lesbian. I think it is just a stereotype but I know some lesbians and they do indeed have lots of rainbow colored things. (Ha Ha)
I also would think that it would be harder on my mother if my sister was a lesbian, rather then unmarried when she was 30. I don't see why it would be such a hassle if she wasn't married anyways. Who wants to get married nowadays? (Ha Ha)

Post Secret celebrity photos..
My blog is on the cloche of Celebrity's. In the picture it shows a bunch of well known celebrity faces. You would think that it is just a bunch of good looking men, but after you read the caption it makes you think differently. The caption reads "one of these men is the father. He pays me a bunch to keep it a secret". This gets you thinking that one of these big time celebrity's is paying someone to keep one of their children away from them, or someone is making this up to play around. I think if it was true, that they would maybe want to keep it a secret just so it wouldn't ruin their reputation, or their Hollywood life style. I really think that it is just made up, but u will never know for sure..

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tourists and cameras. Have you yourself been preoccupied with taking pictures when traveling? Have you observed others doing so? What should we be doing when we are in such locations?

Yes, I am always out taking pictures.. Especially if im on a trip. For example when I went to Cancun last year for spring break, I took 250 pictures the first day. It was a wild time! It seems like it is a neccessity for someone to bring their camera on every trip. I think people do this because it is better for memories, or to share your memories with other people. I think most of the time people who take pictures are pre-occupied. Most of the time when people are taking pictures of scenery they are driving in a car. I think to put an end to this we should make a law about it, not nothing to serious. Maybe just a small ticket, or just take their camera and break it.. ;)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Package Choice

you can either add reflections after our class discussion on a package of your choice, or do some exploratory writing about your analysis paper due Thursday.

The package in class that caught my mind the most would be Kristys about the bubble gum package. It was a can of bubble gum but it also was a piggy bank for kids. When the gum is all out, the can has a removable cap which allows kids to store their money or other personal objects in it. The can has flashy colors which catches kids eyes, and it attracts them. The package has a great affect on the selling of the product. If the package is flashy or catchy it is more likely to catch the eyes of potential buyers.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Cherry Bomb Package

Today I'm bringing in a package of cherry bombs. Cherry Bombs are a chewy candy with a tangy burst of cherry flavor. My package is really neat, it has little red bomb shaped Cherry's on the front. One of the catchy phrases on the package is "were DA bomb". Its a sign that one of the little cherry guys are holding. The colors of the package are really bright and catchy. I think they are trying to target the younger crowed. I think this because of the colors, phrases and the cartoon figures on it. I believe that the package of the Cherry Bombers are new because I have never seen them before. The funny thing about my package is the writing and phrases on the front are in crazy colors and huge wild fonts. Then the Nutrition Facts on the back are plane Jane so they don't take away from the actual products advertisement.
The Cherry Bombs name matches the product perfectly. When u bite into a Cherry Bomber the flavor explodes in your mouth. It is a chewy candy that has cherry "gooey" flavor in the inside. If you have not tried the Cherry Bombers I recommend they they Are "DA Bomb".

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Comics being serious? yeah right!

Test this idea out by interviewing five people to see what their answers are to the question "Do you think it's possible to take comics seriously?"

From my own point of view I really cant take comics seriously. I was just brought up by my parents to know that comics are exposed to be funny. I can remember way back when I was young my father and mother would read me the comics out of the newspaper. I would crack up every time.
I interviewed My roommates and my parents. My roomie Ryan said, " No, I could never take them serious, I laugh at all the funny little pictures." Kenny, my other roomie said "I could take it serious if it was for a grade, but if I was just to look at them I would just laugh because they are made to be funny."My roomie Charlie said " heck no, I used to love reading comics for a good laugh, I always have thought they were funny." Pretty much all of my roommates said they can not take comics seriously, for the same simple reason as they all said, they grew up learning that comics were exposed to be funny.
The parents on the other hand had a different response. They asked me if it was for class, I said yes, and then they said, " you better take it seriously." They said, " we always taught you to think they were funny, but in this case you better taken them seriously even if they are funny."
My parents view was just to take school seriously. But I know deep down they think that comics are made to be funny!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Verbal or Visual

Do you have a preference between verbal and visual communication? If so, which do you prefer, for what uses, and why? For example, do you get your news from reading or watching television?
Yes, I do have a preference, but they are for different areas of the news. For Sports I like visual ten times better. This is because you actually get to see the key plays of the games. Like the dunks, blocks game winners, etc. The action for sports visually is way better and makes the story more interesting. This is why I choose sports center over reading the paper the next morning. In High School sports, I watch the news at 11:00pm just to capture some of the games in my area. The next day I still read the paper about High School sports because the news on T.V. don't really cover the High School category as well as sports center does pro or college games. The over all coverage I believe on television is better because it actually shows the detail instead of just telling what happened.
In local news on the other hand I like to do both. I like to watch the news first to get a visual aid of what is going on, but then I read the paper to get a more complete story and up to date detail of what is going on. I don't do this for all of the news but just for story's that interest me.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

like an Argument

look for something like an argument and describe it in your blog.

Something like an argument that we are facing right now, would be pulling our troops out of Iraq. This has been a widely talked about debate for around 6 years now. Our main argument for being over there was to find weapons of mass destruction and to dethrone and catch Saddam Hussein, and Osama Bin Ladin. Yes, we have caught and put to death Saddam, but we still have found no weapons of mass destruction, or have captured a 7ft man named Osama.
The main argument against war would be we are losing so many of our American soldiers, and are causing many innocent Iraqi's to die. Another argument against war would be the enormous price we pay to be there. We have spent billions of dollars and have not accomplished much. This is the main argument of my time, and hopefully soon the argument will be over and we will pull out our troops to let Iraqi leaders take care of their own Country.

Changing My Mind

Can you recall an occasion on which you changed your mind about something because of the evidence offered in discussion or in print?

Yes, when I was in high school I was my class president. This put me up to making lots of decisions, and most of them were crucial. I remember one in particular that I changed my mind a couple of times on. The decision of mine that my peers argued with me until I changed was who I was going to let say our farewell. I wanted my good friend Guy Bragg to do it, because I knew he was emotional and would probably get everyone to cry. My peers did not want that, they wanted to go out laughing. They wanted one of our class clowns to do it so we wouldn't shed a tear. Their argument was we already had a rough enough year with a student who committed suicide, and a couple of long time students moving or dropping out. After days of arguments, I finally gave in. I let the student class pick the kid they wanted and everyone was happy. Then came the day of the graduation and everyone was nervous. I had it all running smoothly until the class clown went to the podium, he thought he would try to make it touching instead of funny and talked about one of our classmates that recently commit ed suicide. It was horrible, he made everyone cry and a-lot of people were upset. I wish I would not of let my class mates talk me out of my original plain, but I ended up making people get away from the tears when I gave out the gag gifts.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Can you recall a television commercial which stood out from others? What device(s) did it use to get your attention? Were such devices successful in creating an attitude toward the product or service or organization involved?

In my days of watching T.V. I have seen lots of commercials. I think the most catchey commercial to me would be commercials that are louder, or more colorful. Also if they have lots of beautiful women, those tend to catch my attention also. I think my all time favorite commercial would be the identity theft with the big black guy singing like a little women. This commercial caught my attention because a bigger man was lifting weights, and then he just bursts out and started singing like a women. This commercial was a big attention catcher because of how loud he was singing, and the weirdness of him sounding like a women.
I also like some of the budweiser commercials at halftime of the super bowl football game. These commericals are usually extremely funny, and they always stick out because when most people watch the super bowl they are drinking, and everything is funnier when your drunk. My all time favorite commercial from last years super bowl commercials would be the one where the two guys are bragging about what their dogs can do and the one guys dog gets him a bud light, and then the other guys dog bites the guy in his ...... yeah, and then the guy gets his beer. The commercial is on you tube and this is the url.

rhetoric response

Rhetoric response
1. Can you recall an occasion on which someone tried to persuade you of something? What was it, how did they try to accomplish it, and what were the results?

Yes, when I get my oil changed in my car every time the worker try’s to persuade me into getting the more expensive oil, or they try and tell me that I should upgrade to a more efficient oil filter. They tell me that it would make my car run so much better and keep it going for more miles. I always turn it down because I know it won’t do much for my car and I know they are just trying to get more money out of me.
One more example would be when I was buying my new T.V. they were trying to get me to buy a plasma flat screen instead of just a flat screen. They were also telling me that it was a better deal for the bigger T.V. They did persuade me this time, I ended up getting the plasma flat screen but I did not get the bigger one.