Monday, April 30, 2007

Mcdonalds Marketing

I thought this presentation was pretty good. It got into good details on how McDonald's targets young children with the Toys, and the cartoon characters. They also said that they target athletes too because of all the celebrity's or professional athletes in their commercials. I wanted to throw something in to. They also sponsor the All-American High School basketball game for men and women. It is like a big honor for someone to play in this, and it is sponsored by McDonald's. They also said that the commercials that do every year are very expensive. They said the average that they spend a year on commercials is $500,000,000. That is a whole heck of a lot of money!!I think the strong point in their presentation was that they target young children, I think they do this because it will get the children to always bug their parents for McDonald's and parents will usually give their kids what they want to shut them up!

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