Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Would it be a good thing if you could view just the good parts (however defined) of a text (a movie, a TV show, a sporting event)? Or do we need the parts that lead up to and away from these?

No, I do not think it would be a good ideal if the good parts in clips were the only ones shown. I think that the bad stuff,and the stuff that draws upon the good stuff is what makes the movie, or clip exciting. It keeps you on the edge of your chair making you want to know what is going to happen next. I think they already have enough stuff that lets you view just the good stuff. Especially in sports. I think sports center would be a prime example of just showing the good and not showing the bad stuff leading to the good things. It shows the good stuff leading to the better stuff. I love sports center don't get me wrong, but I would rather watch an entire game just to keep my on my heels, I like to have to be involved in the game to know what is going on.

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