Monday, April 23, 2007

peer to peer sharing

Peer to peer sharing is growing rapidly in America. It is when people on the Internet share file like movies, and songs. The artists of many songs are against these websites and lawsuits have been filed. But on the other hand many small bands are in love with these sites. This is giving the smaller bands opportunities to get their songs to people and chances of becoming known are improving. For the big bands and singers like Eminem, or New Found Glory this site is dipping into their pockets. These sites are taking revenue away from the singers because people are stealing their songs off the Internet so they don't have to buy the C.D. I know that many of people out there do this and I don't think it will stop people. I know I do it my self and I feel that It is not wrong for me to do it. I have 2600 songs on I-tunes and I have not paid for a single one. I think that the songs are to expensive to pay for in the first place, I really don't think you should have to pay $1 a song, that is outrageous. Many websites have been shut down because of peer to peer sharing, these websites include, Napster. Napster was pretty much the founder of Illegal downloads. The company was sued and then went bankrupted before selling to someone over seas. The man who bought Napster has now made it into a place where you can buy songs for $1.

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