Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Alcohol in commercials

In the recent class one of the girls did a report on Alcohol in commercials. This interested me a lot because I'm doing my report on something very similar. She told me a couple helpful facts that I could plug into my presentation also. She said that many NCAA schools are banning alcohol commercials during their games. I think this is a good idea because I believe that this commercials are targeting younger people to drink their product. She also presented an idea that you have to be 25 years of age to be in a beer advertisement. I think that they try and find their 25 year olds, but usually they are not the average 25 year old person. They are either a really good looking super model or a very funny person. They use these kinds of characters to draw attention to their commercials. I also learned in her presentation that they are making them go away from cartoon characters in their ads. But now they are finding ways around that by putting in animals to do funny stuff instead. I just think in all that Alcohol commercials are on way to much, funny thing actually is as I'm typing this paper their is a bud light commercial on right now..

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