Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Analyzing a text.

For the weblog entries, if you haven't done so, you might write about how analyzing a text affects people's responses. Feel free to draw on our discussion of the clip from Little Miss Sunshine.

Analyzing a text affects peoples responses in many ways. Some people look at things differently in movies, pictures, ETC. They could take expressions or scenes differently and thing that they think something completely different from you or me. When people look at pictures with no words they may visualize totally different things that someone looking at the same picture. I think that people do this because we all have different stereotypes, and we are stereotyped differently. People just plain out see things different. For example when we analyzed Lil Miss Sunshine, I automatically thought it was filmed to make it look back in the 60's, and when they were talking I thought wow these people are crazy. That clip to me made me think that their family was a plain old family like mine with problems just like every family today. They seemed like an average family, but they were like an old guitar, just a little out of tune..

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