Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Verbal or Visual

Do you have a preference between verbal and visual communication? If so, which do you prefer, for what uses, and why? For example, do you get your news from reading or watching television?
Yes, I do have a preference, but they are for different areas of the news. For Sports I like visual ten times better. This is because you actually get to see the key plays of the games. Like the dunks, blocks game winners, etc. The action for sports visually is way better and makes the story more interesting. This is why I choose sports center over reading the paper the next morning. In High School sports, I watch the news at 11:00pm just to capture some of the games in my area. The next day I still read the paper about High School sports because the news on T.V. don't really cover the High School category as well as sports center does pro or college games. The over all coverage I believe on television is better because it actually shows the detail instead of just telling what happened.
In local news on the other hand I like to do both. I like to watch the news first to get a visual aid of what is going on, but then I read the paper to get a more complete story and up to date detail of what is going on. I don't do this for all of the news but just for story's that interest me.

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