Monday, April 30, 2007

Last Blog :)

For the last weblog post of the term (by Tues. 10:30 a.m.), I would like something retrospective. Looking back over this semester's class, what were for you memorable moments or events? You might look back and select a favorite blog post, a favorite assignment, a moment which stands out in the course discussion. Or it might be something that didn't work for you. Perhaps analyzing images doesn't have enough to do with the rhetoric that you are expected to use in your writing. Perhaps on-line discourse isn't your cup of tea. Whatever the topic, take a look back and write a bit in the blog about it.

I thought the class was kinda Interesting but don't know what it really did for me. I'm going to school to become a cop, not to write visual papers. I think it could help me maybe with writing up reports but not to much. I think this class was a miss for me but It was probably helpful to people that are going into something visual. My favorite event that we did in this class was probably making our blogger page. I thought it was neat how you taught us how to make our own little website. I Also liked our picture project that we had to do. That was pretty fun and showed a little bit about everyones lifestyle. My least favorit assignment was our project. I hate talking in front of people and it seems like I always get screwed on my score. I thought my presentation was good but I only got a C, everyone that I asked in class thought that my project was one of the better ones and I seemed to get a lower score then most of everyone else. I know you said my deliverance was bad but I hated that project anyways. Overall this class was ok, and would of been good if my major was to deal with alot of writing about visual things but m ynajor does not. Whoo whooo I mglad were done for the summer, and I mready for the sun!

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