Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My project materials

As you gather materials for your project, find an article that you think you might be able to use. Write an entry which gives the author’s main point and supporting evidence presented.

As I was looking for some materials to help me with my presentation I came across an article called "Momentum Builds to End Beer Ads in College Sports." This ad was put out to try and end Beer advertising during college athletic games. This is related to my topic because I am doing my presentation on Alcohol commercials during sporting events. I have found lots of articles about alcohol and sports but this is one that will stop a lot of beer or liquor advertisement in whole. A huge amount of sporting commercials deal with alcohol, because beer companies target sports fans because they seem to think that while watching sports it is always funner to watch it drunk! Also the majority of beer drinkers are men, and men are the majority of people who watch sports. So during big time sporting events like the super bowl or the final four it is always a good time for the big time beer companies to come out with new and funnier advertisements to catch the viewers eyes. Like I said before I have found lots of great ads but this one squeezes in nicely with my topic.

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