Wednesday, January 31, 2007

like an Argument

look for something like an argument and describe it in your blog.

Something like an argument that we are facing right now, would be pulling our troops out of Iraq. This has been a widely talked about debate for around 6 years now. Our main argument for being over there was to find weapons of mass destruction and to dethrone and catch Saddam Hussein, and Osama Bin Ladin. Yes, we have caught and put to death Saddam, but we still have found no weapons of mass destruction, or have captured a 7ft man named Osama.
The main argument against war would be we are losing so many of our American soldiers, and are causing many innocent Iraqi's to die. Another argument against war would be the enormous price we pay to be there. We have spent billions of dollars and have not accomplished much. This is the main argument of my time, and hopefully soon the argument will be over and we will pull out our troops to let Iraqi leaders take care of their own Country.

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