Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tourists and cameras. Have you yourself been preoccupied with taking pictures when traveling? Have you observed others doing so? What should we be doing when we are in such locations?

Yes, I am always out taking pictures.. Especially if im on a trip. For example when I went to Cancun last year for spring break, I took 250 pictures the first day. It was a wild time! It seems like it is a neccessity for someone to bring their camera on every trip. I think people do this because it is better for memories, or to share your memories with other people. I think most of the time people who take pictures are pre-occupied. Most of the time when people are taking pictures of scenery they are driving in a car. I think to put an end to this we should make a law about it, not nothing to serious. Maybe just a small ticket, or just take their camera and break it.. ;)

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