Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tourists and cameras. Have you yourself been preoccupied with taking pictures when traveling? Have you observed others doing so? What should we be doing when we are in such locations?

Yes, I am always out taking pictures.. Especially if im on a trip. For example when I went to Cancun last year for spring break, I took 250 pictures the first day. It was a wild time! It seems like it is a neccessity for someone to bring their camera on every trip. I think people do this because it is better for memories, or to share your memories with other people. I think most of the time people who take pictures are pre-occupied. Most of the time when people are taking pictures of scenery they are driving in a car. I think to put an end to this we should make a law about it, not nothing to serious. Maybe just a small ticket, or just take their camera and break it.. ;)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Package Choice

you can either add reflections after our class discussion on a package of your choice, or do some exploratory writing about your analysis paper due Thursday.

The package in class that caught my mind the most would be Kristys about the bubble gum package. It was a can of bubble gum but it also was a piggy bank for kids. When the gum is all out, the can has a removable cap which allows kids to store their money or other personal objects in it. The can has flashy colors which catches kids eyes, and it attracts them. The package has a great affect on the selling of the product. If the package is flashy or catchy it is more likely to catch the eyes of potential buyers.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Cherry Bomb Package

Today I'm bringing in a package of cherry bombs. Cherry Bombs are a chewy candy with a tangy burst of cherry flavor. My package is really neat, it has little red bomb shaped Cherry's on the front. One of the catchy phrases on the package is "were DA bomb". Its a sign that one of the little cherry guys are holding. The colors of the package are really bright and catchy. I think they are trying to target the younger crowed. I think this because of the colors, phrases and the cartoon figures on it. I believe that the package of the Cherry Bombers are new because I have never seen them before. The funny thing about my package is the writing and phrases on the front are in crazy colors and huge wild fonts. Then the Nutrition Facts on the back are plane Jane so they don't take away from the actual products advertisement.
The Cherry Bombs name matches the product perfectly. When u bite into a Cherry Bomber the flavor explodes in your mouth. It is a chewy candy that has cherry "gooey" flavor in the inside. If you have not tried the Cherry Bombers I recommend they they Are "DA Bomb".

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Comics being serious? yeah right!

Test this idea out by interviewing five people to see what their answers are to the question "Do you think it's possible to take comics seriously?"

From my own point of view I really cant take comics seriously. I was just brought up by my parents to know that comics are exposed to be funny. I can remember way back when I was young my father and mother would read me the comics out of the newspaper. I would crack up every time.
I interviewed My roommates and my parents. My roomie Ryan said, " No, I could never take them serious, I laugh at all the funny little pictures." Kenny, my other roomie said "I could take it serious if it was for a grade, but if I was just to look at them I would just laugh because they are made to be funny."My roomie Charlie said " heck no, I used to love reading comics for a good laugh, I always have thought they were funny." Pretty much all of my roommates said they can not take comics seriously, for the same simple reason as they all said, they grew up learning that comics were exposed to be funny.
The parents on the other hand had a different response. They asked me if it was for class, I said yes, and then they said, " you better take it seriously." They said, " we always taught you to think they were funny, but in this case you better taken them seriously even if they are funny."
My parents view was just to take school seriously. But I know deep down they think that comics are made to be funny!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Verbal or Visual

Do you have a preference between verbal and visual communication? If so, which do you prefer, for what uses, and why? For example, do you get your news from reading or watching television?
Yes, I do have a preference, but they are for different areas of the news. For Sports I like visual ten times better. This is because you actually get to see the key plays of the games. Like the dunks, blocks game winners, etc. The action for sports visually is way better and makes the story more interesting. This is why I choose sports center over reading the paper the next morning. In High School sports, I watch the news at 11:00pm just to capture some of the games in my area. The next day I still read the paper about High School sports because the news on T.V. don't really cover the High School category as well as sports center does pro or college games. The over all coverage I believe on television is better because it actually shows the detail instead of just telling what happened.
In local news on the other hand I like to do both. I like to watch the news first to get a visual aid of what is going on, but then I read the paper to get a more complete story and up to date detail of what is going on. I don't do this for all of the news but just for story's that interest me.