Wednesday, January 31, 2007

like an Argument

look for something like an argument and describe it in your blog.

Something like an argument that we are facing right now, would be pulling our troops out of Iraq. This has been a widely talked about debate for around 6 years now. Our main argument for being over there was to find weapons of mass destruction and to dethrone and catch Saddam Hussein, and Osama Bin Ladin. Yes, we have caught and put to death Saddam, but we still have found no weapons of mass destruction, or have captured a 7ft man named Osama.
The main argument against war would be we are losing so many of our American soldiers, and are causing many innocent Iraqi's to die. Another argument against war would be the enormous price we pay to be there. We have spent billions of dollars and have not accomplished much. This is the main argument of my time, and hopefully soon the argument will be over and we will pull out our troops to let Iraqi leaders take care of their own Country.

Changing My Mind

Can you recall an occasion on which you changed your mind about something because of the evidence offered in discussion or in print?

Yes, when I was in high school I was my class president. This put me up to making lots of decisions, and most of them were crucial. I remember one in particular that I changed my mind a couple of times on. The decision of mine that my peers argued with me until I changed was who I was going to let say our farewell. I wanted my good friend Guy Bragg to do it, because I knew he was emotional and would probably get everyone to cry. My peers did not want that, they wanted to go out laughing. They wanted one of our class clowns to do it so we wouldn't shed a tear. Their argument was we already had a rough enough year with a student who committed suicide, and a couple of long time students moving or dropping out. After days of arguments, I finally gave in. I let the student class pick the kid they wanted and everyone was happy. Then came the day of the graduation and everyone was nervous. I had it all running smoothly until the class clown went to the podium, he thought he would try to make it touching instead of funny and talked about one of our classmates that recently commit ed suicide. It was horrible, he made everyone cry and a-lot of people were upset. I wish I would not of let my class mates talk me out of my original plain, but I ended up making people get away from the tears when I gave out the gag gifts.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Can you recall a television commercial which stood out from others? What device(s) did it use to get your attention? Were such devices successful in creating an attitude toward the product or service or organization involved?

In my days of watching T.V. I have seen lots of commercials. I think the most catchey commercial to me would be commercials that are louder, or more colorful. Also if they have lots of beautiful women, those tend to catch my attention also. I think my all time favorite commercial would be the identity theft with the big black guy singing like a little women. This commercial caught my attention because a bigger man was lifting weights, and then he just bursts out and started singing like a women. This commercial was a big attention catcher because of how loud he was singing, and the weirdness of him sounding like a women.
I also like some of the budweiser commercials at halftime of the super bowl football game. These commericals are usually extremely funny, and they always stick out because when most people watch the super bowl they are drinking, and everything is funnier when your drunk. My all time favorite commercial from last years super bowl commercials would be the one where the two guys are bragging about what their dogs can do and the one guys dog gets him a bud light, and then the other guys dog bites the guy in his ...... yeah, and then the guy gets his beer. The commercial is on you tube and this is the url.

rhetoric response

Rhetoric response
1. Can you recall an occasion on which someone tried to persuade you of something? What was it, how did they try to accomplish it, and what were the results?

Yes, when I get my oil changed in my car every time the worker try’s to persuade me into getting the more expensive oil, or they try and tell me that I should upgrade to a more efficient oil filter. They tell me that it would make my car run so much better and keep it going for more miles. I always turn it down because I know it won’t do much for my car and I know they are just trying to get more money out of me.
One more example would be when I was buying my new T.V. they were trying to get me to buy a plasma flat screen instead of just a flat screen. They were also telling me that it was a better deal for the bigger T.V. They did persuade me this time, I ended up getting the plasma flat screen but I did not get the bigger one.