Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Magazine Cover 2

Examine some magazine covers for ways in which they combine words and images..\

I think this magazine cover is putting pictures and words together great. The main picture is a woman in a pair of pants that are twice her size. The text on the picture says "Half Her Size". This picture and word combo seems to sum it all up well. The girl went on a diet and lost about half her weight. I really don't think the text is all that true. I don't think the girl weighs 95 pounds. In the small text above the main picture it says, Donna lost 95 pounds.. SO this means that if she lost half her weight she only weighs 95 pounds and I doubt that. I also don't even think that the lady in the picture really was ever fat. In class Mr.Thompson said something about her having loose skin on her neck, I think the loose skin comes with her age. Donna was probably just a model hired to take the picture. I really don't think if someone lost 95 pounds her body would be that smokin.. HA HA. She would have way more loose skin in her mid section. In all I think that the magazine cover is pretty much fake, But this magazine does have some good smaller article topics.

Magazine Covers

Examine some magazine covers for ways in which they combine words and images..

I think in the Tennis magazine with Roger Federer on it shows a lot of emotion. The emotion is showed through the determination in the face of Roger. The words help it out a little bit to because it says "Roger Federer faces history". This means that he has been on a 40 plus match win streak and is making history with each win. I also think that the words on the cover give the Tennis magazine a little more emotion also. It says he is the player of the year, and talks about his breakout season as a player. I think this magazine is completely for a Tennis player. It talks about ways to improve your game, and it also gives you helpful hints from the pros.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Lesbian, or Unmarried?

In this picture I see it kind of humerus. I think it is funny how the girl in the pictures mother is OK with her being a lesbian but is mad that she is not married. The picture is kinda catchy also because the girl is naked, but is wearing long rainbow colored socks. The rainbow is a sign to show she is a lesbian. I think it is just a stereotype but I know some lesbians and they do indeed have lots of rainbow colored things. (Ha Ha)
I also would think that it would be harder on my mother if my sister was a lesbian, rather then unmarried when she was 30. I don't see why it would be such a hassle if she wasn't married anyways. Who wants to get married nowadays? (Ha Ha)

Post Secret celebrity photos..
My blog is on the cloche of Celebrity's. In the picture it shows a bunch of well known celebrity faces. You would think that it is just a bunch of good looking men, but after you read the caption it makes you think differently. The caption reads "one of these men is the father. He pays me a bunch to keep it a secret". This gets you thinking that one of these big time celebrity's is paying someone to keep one of their children away from them, or someone is making this up to play around. I think if it was true, that they would maybe want to keep it a secret just so it wouldn't ruin their reputation, or their Hollywood life style. I really think that it is just made up, but u will never know for sure..